What is an Ecstatic Dance?
Aug 09, 2023Ecstatic Dance is a form of free-form movement and dance that encourages self-expression, mindfulness, and a deep connection to one's body and emotions. The dancers abandon themselves to the rhythm and move as the music takes them. This may lead to trance and a feeling of ecstasy. The dance would normally take place in a supportive and non-judgmental environment, such as a dance studio or a community gathering, where participants are invited to explore their unique movement and let go of inhibitions.
What effects can you experience through Ecstatic Dance?
Ecstatic Dance can produce effects on a physical and emotional level:
1. Emotional release: Ecstatic Dance provides a safe space for you to express and release your emotion through movement. It allows for the free flow of energy, which can lead to a cathartic release of pent-up emotions such as sadness, anger, joy, or even grief. By moving the body and letting go, you may experience a sense of emotional release and purification.
2. A Reduction in Stress: Engaging in Ecstatic Dance can help reduce stress and promote relaxation. As you surrender yourself to the rhythm and music, the dance serves as a form of meditation, which allows the mind to let go of worries and concerns. The combination of physical movement, deep breathing, and the release of endorphins can contribute to a sense of calm, serenity and inner peace.
3. Healing Trauma: Ecstatic Dance can be a powerful tool for healing trauma. Through dance, individuals have an opportunity to reconnect with their bodies and regain a sense of safety and empowerment. The free and uninhibited movement can help release stored trauma and tension, promoting emotional and physical healing.
4. Increased Body Awareness: Regular practice of Ecstatic Dance can enhance body awareness and foster a deeper connection with your own self. By paying attention to sensations, movement patterns, and the body's wisdom, you can develop a greater understanding of your own physical and emotional needs. This heightened awareness can extend beyond the dance floor and positively impact daily life.
What is a Tribal Shamanic Ecstatic Dance?
A tribal shamanic ecstatic dance incorporates elements of shamanism, indigenous rituals, and ancient traditions into the Ecstatic Dance experience. It often involves music and rhythms that are inspired by tribal cultures, and the dance itself may incorporate symbolic gestures, storytelling, and trance-inducing movements.
The aim is to create a sacred space where participants can connect with the primal energy, tap into their own inner wisdom, and experience a deep sense of unity with themselves, others, and the natural world. Tribal shamanic ecstatic dance can be a transformative and transcendent journey that allows individuals to explore their spirituality and connect with ancient wisdom.
Ecstatic Dance Events in Spain
Vincent Clenet, co-founder of LaVi Sound & Yoga arranges regular Ecstatic Dance events. He will guide you through a unique DJ set, a tribal influenced experience of music for body, mind and soul.
Vincent’s aim is to create a sacred space where you can connect with the primal energy, you are able to tap into your own inner wisdom, and ultimately you will experience a deep sense of unity with yourself, others, and the natural world around you. He will compile a selection of music tracks and rhythms that are inspired by tribal cultures. Find out more information on the Ecstatic Dance Events or book him for a private session at your event or retreat here of follow him on Facebook or Instagram.
The next events you can find here
About Vincent Clenet, DJ and Sound Therapist
Vincent is a self-taught multi-instrumentalist musician and Sound Therapist. He has been exploring sound and music since 1991. As DJ of Ecstatic Dance Events for LaVi Sound and Yoga he is also a Reiki Master Teacher, qualified Sound Therapist and practitioner of Osteo-Thai and Zen-Thai massage. He has a range of skills, knowledge and experience that bring a holistic, therapeutic approach to treatment on physical, psychological, emotional and energetic levels.
Beside Ecstatic Dance,Vincent is offering a variety of Sound Healing events:
If you are searching for some relaxing tracks for your meditation or yoga playlist, have a listen to his artist profile on Spotify or other platforms (Vincent Clenet)
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